
The BGS lead team are experts in the field of experimental design and development, with a particular focus on multi-phase fluid flow and associated mechanical coupling.

The Transport Properties Research Laboratory provides bespoke state-of-the-art capability, allowing flow processes within low and ultra-low permeability materials to be examined within the nanodarcy range.

Cardiff University School of Psychology is one of the leading UK psychology departments and home to the interdisciplinary Understanding Risk Research Group, an internationally recognised centre of excellence for work on public attitudes and acceptability of technological and environmental risks, and on public engagement with new technologies.

The Tyndall Centre was set up to research, assess and communicate from a distinct trans-disciplinary perspective, the options to mitigate, and the necessities to adapt to, climate change, and to integrate these into the global, UK and local contexts of sustainable development.

Imperial College has extensive experience in both analytical and numerical modelling of fracture-driven geomechanical processes, including the development of a proprietary two- and three-dimensional geomechanics engine, used for the simulation of fracture and fragmentation for mining purposes. Imperial co-investigators have addressed questions regarding energy conservative dynamic simulation and impact, numerical modelling of fractures in 3D and fracture driven simulation of 3D fragmentation.